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Zebra Jasper Tumbled Stone

Zebra Jasper Tumbled Stone

One of the primary energies of Zebra Jasper is its ability to help us let go of the fear of failure. All too often, we hold ourselves back from pursuing our dreams because we're afraid of falling short or making mistakes. But Zebra Jasper reminds us that failure is a natural part of the learning and growth process, and that we should embrace it rather than letting it hold us back. Zebra Jasper helps us overcome apathy and laziness. It encourages us to enjoy the experience of living, rather than over-thinking or getting stuck in our heads.




Zebra stone can help one to sense their own individuality. It bring a sense of freedom and nothing or no one will stand in your way to obtain it. Its’s duality is associated with the zodiac sign of Gemini. Zebra jasper encourages communication and encourages creativity. It has also been used by the Greeks and Romans in order to enhance the power of concentration. Because this is such a balancing stone, it is recommended for all kinds of phobias and irrational fears. It is a stone of strong vibrational energy, which gives determination towards your soul’s purpose.




Listing includes one stone

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