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Yarrow is ancient medicine for wounded warriors and heroes, activists, educators, healers, caregivers, all of you who live your life in service to others upliftment, protection, and growth. To know what it is to constantly be asked to give of yourself is both gift and curse. It places us at high risk of emotional and spiritual burnout, not to mention this work often means we take on, intentionally or not, the shadow of those we bring light to. We're also rather famous for never wanting to help others, which can leave us operating from a deficit. Yarrow teaches us the lesson of giving from the overflow rather than allowing ourselves to be drained dry. Part of this is not just stopping us from giving too much, but also softening unnecessary shields that keep us from asking for and accepting care from others. It strengthens the aura and aid with processing trauma.




Yarrow stands with us in both physical and spiritual action, giving us the precious moments of pause needed to heal. Yarrow guides us back to light, allowing us to lift up from darkness that would drag us down and instead shows us how to use that energy for the greater good. It teaches the craft of nourishing boundary making, provides psychic protection, is a balm for the hurt warrior, and soothes the tired healer's heart. Turn to Yarrow when you have trouble clearing your mind before a meditation or energy session. Use it remove fearful energy and attract courage and love.





It also promotes courage and self belief.



Yarrow grounds and help to provide clarity and discernment. Carry Yarrow with you to protect your energy.




Use it as a spritz, or dress your ritual candle with it, burn it as an incense or add it to your floor wash or spiritual bath.




Add it to a carrier oil such as grape seed oil or olive oil





Please be advised: The properties listed are for informational purposes only and are not intended to replace or be used as medical treatment. No known precautions. We recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications. Do use in your bath if you’re pregnant.




Herbs comes loose in a 3x4 bag.

Listing includes one bag.


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