Howlite Palm Stone
Howlite is symbolic of purity, calmness, and connection to higher realms of wisdom and spirituality. Howlite has long been associated with increasing awareness, gaining insight, and deepening conscious perception. It is known for its calming and soothing energy. Howlite can help quiet a restless or overactive mind and ease worry, tension, and anxiety. The stone promotes feelings of relaxation and allows
one to step back from stressful thoughts. Howlite is a great healing crystal to help you with issues pertaining to the mind. Working with Howlite purifies you, returning you to a place of freedom and innocence. It connects you to memories from past lives and helps you work through any lingering emotions. The enlightenment aspect of Howlite helps you to become more aware of yourself and your surroundings. It encourages critical thinking and openness to new knowledge, enabling personal and spiritual growth. Its soothing energy guides us to be mindful of our thoughts
and actions, promoting wisdom in our choices. Howlite crystal can also be helpful in dissipating anger and calming disturbed emotions. It is a great stone for anyone who wishes to live a more spiritual life. It is also believed to temper emotional expression, particularly for individuals prone to quick anger, promoting a calm and balanced demeanour.
Listing includes one palm stone.