Hibiscus has long been associated with Kali, the goddess of time, change, creation, destruction, and death. Kali is often depicted wearing a crown of hibiscus, a symbol of her femininity as well as her strength. The flower is frequently left as an offering to Kali as its bright, fiery color represents the intense passion and power embodied by the goddess. The hibiscus is also used to ward off negativity and protect those making the offering as it's believed the hibiscus invokes Kali's protection while simultaneously removing obstacles so transformation can occur. As such, the hibiscus can be used in spells and rituals for protection and change. Place around entryways to prevent negativity from entering, add to road opening spells, or burn as incense.
Ways To Use:
Use it as a spritz, or dress your ritual candle with it, burn it as an incense on incense charcoal or add it to your floor wash or spiritual bath
Add it to a carrier oil such as grape seed oil or olive oil or a manifestation bag
Add it to a manifestation bag
Place around entryways to prevent negativity from entering
Do Not Use in Your Bath If You Are Pregnant.