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Blue Anil

Blue Anil

These small blue squares are known and used for their ability to cleanse your home from negative energy & spirits.

If you often have guests, you know how the energy of your home can feel different after someone leaves. Every person has their own personal energy, as well as any they may have picked up along the way. When they bring that to your house, it can disrupt things. You can cleanse your home with incense, candles, and floor washes, but sometimes the best cure is prevention. Take a glass or vase filled with fresh, natural water. Avoid using tap water. Add some anil and stir until it is completely dissolved. Place this vessel near your front door (or whichever entrance guests use most often). This will help remove any negative or unwanted energy people bring into your home. For added protection, add a bit of grated camphor to the water. Change this water weekly. If you have a lot of guests, host a party, or have particularly disruptive guests, you may want to change it more often.



Carrying Anil as a protective amulet in a purse or pocket, or placing Anil balls in different areas of a home, especially near entrances, can prevent negative energies from entering.



Dissolve or crush a Blueing Square in a bowl of water and place on your altar to invite in good spirits and keep negative ones at bay.



Dissolve or crush a Blueing Square in water and sprinkle or spray around yourself to uncross and protect against work against you.



Blue Anil can be used to promote peace at home. It is also used for luck, gambling, and success.




Listing includes one blue Anil tablet

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